5 Interior Design Tips That Will Keep Your Home Organized and Attractive
When we think of interior design, the first thing that comes to mind is a perfectly curated home similar to the ones we see on those fancy glossy magazines. They’re pretty and clean, almost to the point that they don’t seem very realistic to live on. This is one of the biggest mistakes that inexperienced or first-time homeowners fall into whenever they think of home design or condo interior design. So many of us obsess on making everything look well-curated that practicality, especially when it comes to organization, gets pushed into the back burner.
Your house design ideas, however, should consider more than just the aesthetic. Contrary to what you might think, you don’t really need to sacrifice your taste in design to achieve an organized home. As long as you follow the right techniques like the ones below, you can easily hit the sweet spot between the two.
But first, let’s straighten out some myths about interior design and organization:
clean is different from being organized
A lot of us have the misconception that to be organized means you have to hide away everything. Having empty kitchen counters does not always equate to this definition, however, since the concept of organization considers other factors like practicality, space, and usability of a certain part of your home. For example, if you’re always using your pots and pans, it is not ideal to store them in cabinets where you’ll have to struggle every time you need them. In this case, keeping them in view and just organizing them using wall hooks will be a better decision instead.
To put it simply, no mess is not always the exact equivalent of being organized. To be organized means your home design is optimized to be practical for your lifestyle.
“organization” is for small homes only
If you’ve ever considered diving into a condo interior design project, chances are you’ve read about how organizing is key to making it successful. Every square foot is valued premium, after all, so you’ll have to be smart and creative in maximizing your space.
However, designing for the sake of keeping everything organized shouldn’t be limited to smaller-sized abodes only. In fact, they are just as important for larger-sized homes where the extra space can invite more clutter. Not being limited in floor area makes us laxer in organizing and keeping things tidy, so some organizing techniques can also come in handy in these situations.
Interior design tips for organizing your home:
1. organize, store, label
A strategy is very important when it comes to organizing your home. The first step is to decide which things should go where followed by buying the right types of containers or organizing tools for them. Clear boxes are great for storing odds and ends while a simple window bar and customized curtains for small corners can turn unusable space into an extra storage corner. For your kitchen, buy pretty clear glasses and bottles for your essentials and don’t forget to label them. Nobody really wants to put apple cider vinegar when they really want oil for whatever it is they’re cooking!
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